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Sing two word .Don to have different ,Beats Solo HD.relationresultJust listen to thedanger of the public light takes a table ,aloud: well ,what a strike oar oath . . , relationresultZhang Zhongchunnodded to exclaim: imposing manner quite heroic ,east wind ,an elder brother ,this is really the good word .
, relationresultRui Yanalso said: this song really better than adults prelude to water melody small woman ten times ,little girl alone sincerely admire . , relationresultZhang Xiaoxiang smiled and said: there, there, also called you laughed at the .
, relationresultTang Zheng andsmiled: an elder brother ,you also need not too too modest ,your words generous heroic ,strict girl words graceful subtle ,is each has its own merits .But if the lyrics, today is Xin Youan as the first u.
s. . , relationresultZhang Xiaoxiang: well ,he nodded to wild gallop ,graceful and charming rigid-flexible and economic person is Xin Youan .Only the big Sioux Ba can be compared with him ,next is absolutely not .
, relationresultRui Yanalso said: the young woman also early Wen young security name ,but no opportunity to meet each other . , relationresultTang Zheng andsmiled: today for a while ,strict girl name will be world famous ,he has already seen Xin Youan .
, relationresultThiswas very popular ,many children and literati ,mostly to some song ,a time people talk about the word poetry ,very lively .They said Xin Youan was big Xin Qiji .
And the danger to public light is a very familiar lyrics ,and all power-bonded .In strict pistil and all the best of both worlds, speech is very appropriate, and sang several songs words ,to win public applause .
It is still Tang Zheng and Rui Yan ,to praise .relationresultBut Yang Yanheard a head as big as the bucket ,he read a book though, but mostly to the poetry book ,basically a barrier, usually only waves are like the mighty river flows eastward.
or be up his hat on . a kind of unrestrained lofty sentiments ,solemn generous words .If you want him to write ,it is his life .So silent ,but against the head and pay the food .
Fortunately, no one asked him to write ,did not make a spectacle of oneself .relationresultNine Front Army ( under) , relationresultThree dayslater ,Yang Yan officially took office ..Wei to be Ma Junsi command that is Qing Yuan army Jiedushi into min ,then just take all the horse army division soldiers guarding Suzhou instead of Li Xianzhong .
Now the whole horse army division only Yang Yan Diez front army an army, so the Privy Council will select front early temporarily give because division with tube .Cao Xun and the high earthquake transfer order to has been issued, but needed at least ten days time they two to Ling office .
It is right up front with alternate army he was the only one control officer .relationresultSelecteda total of three thousand eight hundred front army .The soldiers are about twenty-five ages ,each are height six feet around the burly chap .
This he this 1000 control officer should be higher than half a head .relationresultHerethere are actually two of Yang Yan ,a is the first martial school battlefield competition when his Rong Zhang, hanging a rival Zhang Shiyan .
The two men are now election front army are .relationresultAnotherelection front army horse of four thousand two hundred and seven horsepower .It appears that Yang Zhaoguang says is true, the cavalry was a person ,cheap dr dre beats.
It qualities are not bad, like Hai Dongqing close to five feet tall and has more than one thousand horse race .While the other horses are generally at four feet five inches above, compared to other cavalry troops to be quite good .
relationresultMost ofYang Yan Yang Zhaoguang said worse than futu iron assembly a song just made out of special warfare vest .A three layer ,and is dried cooked leather made of leather ,and the middle layer is several layers of thick folds of paper with silk ,cotton .
In the horse ,the horse and other important parts of embedded iron plate .A whole a club for shortage in weight of the armour into four, but the protection effect can this ironclad seven or eight into .
Put on the armor of all cavalry can also have the advantages of heavy cavalry and light cavalry .relationresultBut this set ofarmor costs prohibitively high ,has more than one hundred intersecting money .
Is almost three times the cuirass .The song also only have less than three thousand sets ,Yang Yan Diez front army has one thousand set, Yu public light strategy election front army also has one thousand sets ,all the rest assembly the emperor guards - retaining crusader .
relationresultAnd the other isa powerful weapon is a Huangnu ,& ;amp ;not ;& ;amp ;not ;-- a cavalry used bolt .As is always the important weapon systems ,particularly in the Shenbi crossbow is most famous ,most long range up to more than three hundred steps ,penetrating power is very strong also ,within step one hundred and fifty even futu iron steel armour also support .
But in the open is the need for a foot to help to open ,so it can only be used by the infantry .And the horse Huangnu is by Yang Yi in skilled craftsmen set according to Shenbi improvement ,lessons in Zhuge crossbows advantages made ,can supply cavalry used bolt .
Zhuge crossbows legends from Zhu Geliang left law ,crossbow engraved on the straight groove ,for a letter ten vector ,which is the most flexible Ji wood ,another Ann machine wood ,string and readily board ,sent a vector ,groove and falls in a vector ,then pull wood chord .
However, although the only ,the very force and cotton ,but more than 20 step .But after the artisans were improved, the horse Huangnu no feet can also be opened for a letter ,can put six arrows, continuous emission .
Although the range than the Shenbi crossbow to small ,only with ordinary bows ,but emission rate much faster than ordinary bows .relationresultElection frontarmy has a total of one thousand two hundred sets of horse Huangnu .
relationresultAnotherelection front army also assemble a firearm ,and is suitable for immediate use of gunpowder in bow ,gunpowder artillery ,missile fire ,and has a special firing firearm bow .
When a firearm with general assembly the song army ,but many are used in battle or siege by keeping .In the field of little use .But the right of some special occasions can still play a large role ,such as :ambush attack ,such as grain ,burning .
Shaoxing 1161 thirty-one Jing Navy Day ferry makes Li Bao in the battle of Jiadao Chen had extensive use of firearms ,were defeated jinbing .Visible use of firearms is command how to use .
relationresultYang Yan looked atthese weapons sigh :on the technical level ,no one song is much stronger than gold ,the country such as summer ,tubo .In addition to the horse outside ,other assembly are stronger than gold ,if of one mind ,live with properly, there be truth ,Beats Detox.
relationresultCavalrybattle weapon to have two kinds: lance and sword .relationresultThespear cavalry general is ten feet in length ,with a hard white wood as a gun .Is mainly used for the front impact ,by horse impact stab the enemy .
Is usually a hand gun ,if the cavalry lance level is anaphoric ,if the infantry pike is slightly downwardly inclined thorn, tightened with elbow .Contact with enemies moment ,hand to avoid the attack of the enemy ,on the other hand to standby to attack the enemy ,victory and defeat often in between the blink of an eye .
relationresultThesaber and cavalry general ca. five feet ,handle length in one foot five inches to two feet .You can hand knife ,can also be hand knife .Usually in association with the fight hand to hand with when using ,saber basic movement only along spines ,reverse punch ,transverse cutting ,splitting and fresh ,simple and practical .
In fact, in the battle all the fancy fairy technology all useless, who force strength ,speed ,who can be the dominant .relationresultOnly when thelevel of the sergeant are eligible to choose to use other weapons such as :just a little gun ,halberd ,saber, mace ,axes and other .
relationresultThecavalry is another important technique is immediately archery .As the cavalry is sitting immediately at the bow ,with his legs in his horse .People can on horseback to maintain balance ,also completed the arrow taking ,pulling the strings ,aiming ,shooting and other actions ,but also side shot ,backfire ,volt radio technology .
If you want to play ball and accurately effectively fight each other the riding and shooting techniques, process does not take a day ,when in a strictly under the guidance ,after a long and arduous training results .
relationresultThese areYang Yan in martial School of equestrian class teaching .If someone system call will find that ,despite Yang Yan in martial school truancy when many ,but riding lessons he has engaged in did not escape . Related articles:

