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We thought of pepper as a typical ingredient present in every culinary cuisine we love, however a recent study at the Oxford Polytechnic in England shows that 12 volunteers whom they have fed identical 766-calorie meals . Alternatively they added chile powder and mustard on their meal, and the result was stunning, a total of 45 calories were burned.

To understand this even more let us discuss how Capsaicin in peppers really works as an agent of spice and how it causes weight loss to our body.

According to the Chemical & Engineering News, Capsaicin is an extremely powerful and stable alkaloid produced as a crystal by glands at the junction of the pepper's placenta and pod walls, according to Dave DeWitt, known as the "Pope of Pepper" and publisher of Fiery Foods & BBQ magazine. The chemical is found only in chili peppers and is said responsible for the spiciness of peppers.

Capsaicin can be found in the large quantities in the placental tissue which holds the seed, the internal membranes and to a lesser extent to the other fleshy parts of the fruits of plants in the genus Capsicum.

Capsaicin is also being studied as a remedy for Type 1 diabetes by researchers in Toronto, Canada. Capsaicin was injected subcutaneously affecting pancreatic sensory nerves of mice with Type 1 diabetes because of a suspected link between the nerves and diabetes.

On the other hand,Monster Beats, capsaicin is also believed to be very effective in loosing weight upon the right combination of food taken in the body. Spices like peppers stimulate our body to release more stress hormone, which in turn causes fast consumption of fats. In addition to being a stress hormone stimulant, capsaicin is thermogenic in nature. Thus eating a bit more of chillies will help us loose weight without compromising our appetite. Related articles:

