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The fruit eastern pure dozen comes over you to lead troops a turtle to go in, afraid what?And I will accompany you to always this time can"
Grant the text thought one way of meaning to say:"Calculate you to have a reason, anyway by that time have you be mat back of"
I turn a head to toward the Meng Luo Chuan and Dai Xi 2 people to hand over to need to be said:"Small Meng, you and the Dai Xi return be fond of fog forest opens ironclad ship to come over, the Dai Xi is responsible for directing 20 ships outside the eastern pure harbor, unless have my order to just otherwise lead long to make not take the offensive, then want to be moreover ten to the row gram harbor to wait me to orderany.
Dai Xi, 20 of your ships want to arrive a row gram first harbor to make the navy go aboard, these 10,000 navy returns you to adjust a degree, I know that you are graduation in the college of war of, leading troops the aspect should be all right?"
Although the Dai Xi is graduation in the college of war of, however have never once ascended battlefield,still keep ordering to say:"Is all right, I will shine on your meaning to act"
"Grant force, that navy commands of the parties made and then bothered you" I toward to grant that the force says
"Is all right, the Dai Xi handles affairs me to trust" grants that Wu Pai claps a chest to say
The "fighting is imminent, everyone wants to take good care of, after all the life is the just the most important of" last officer guards an idiom center of gravity long of say
"Time is precious, everyone deals with the job separately" grants that the force towards owner to say
Eastern pure Kingdom prince mansion
"What!! does the row gram prepare to send army to strike against us? this news exactitude?" over the Yan set up an industry to toward to come the scout of reporting the Xun to ask a way
"Return to adult, according to requite in the scout of many colors river bank, the row gram troops transfer multifarious, and all come together toward the city of showing off the day, the navy of the row gram also goes back and forth outside the eastern pure port" scout arch hand half kneels to answer a way
The "row gram navy? that nothing important threat?" over Yan sets up an asking of industry doubt way
"Adult, the navy of the row gram is all uniformly the ironclad ship that has never once seen, and port repay means, the ironclad ship attack of the row gram the dint is very strong, the harbor side is been used the tower building defending have already been beaten two" scout immediately after says
The "the tower building that the stone builds is beaten two? can't you counterattack to return to? a group of idiocies!!" over Yan sets up an industry to scold a way
"Return to adult, our lapidating machine root hurl doesn't arrive them, the that we only suffer beating is just" scout helplessly says
"This how may? the row gram when have thus severe navy but we don't know at all, you all of these scouts are eat excrement of?" over the Yan set up an industry to toward scout to scold a way
"This ………" scout has already been groped for word
The over Yan sets up the reaction that the industry sees scout to more and angrily scold a way:"Discard! quick to ask country teacher for me to come over"
"Is …………………… . the mean person go right away" scout 2 is 3 to run Wang Fu right away
In a little while, Lyu the green letter also arrived to Wang Fu in momentary.
The "country teacher, important event not like, we drive row gram the both sides attacked from both flanks" over Yan sets up an industry hasty way
"Don't be hasty first, I heard on the road, to the best of my knowledge, always is all what our east is pure to open hostilities first, what scheme doesn't the row gram know to have this time?" Lyu the green letter doubts of say
"The meeting can't be a row gram to just change a new country lord, for showing national strength to demonstrated to us?" over the Yan set up an industry to ask a way
"Have this possibility, hear this hears that the new king is a soldier to be from, so the behavior like this can be comprehended, however prince adult need not worry,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, because the row gram whole country could not only have 100,000 troopses, we only send a soldier to arrive to front defend good" Lyu the green letter has much of saying of confidence
The "but the navy of the row gram have already been taking the offensive our ports, the whole ports all only suffer beating of, don't send a soldier go to?" over Yan sets up an industry to sound out of ask a way
"Not! never send a soldier in the past, otherwise we really fell into trap, the navy of the row gram at strong also at most only 10,000 people, they don't dare to go ashore of, they are to hope that we divide a soldier the port is in order to reduced the pressure of the front line of showing off the day, never fall into trap" Lyu green letter hasty way
Finish Yan to set up an industry to suddenly realize say at this time:"I have never thought this, almost above mentioned gram those dog Zai son of be, remind in the country teacher so much"
"We should all adjust most of troopses to front and all ask for help to the saints at the same time now, conveniently explore how the reaction of finishing the Yan in good health is is" Lyu the green letter say
The "good! I immediately deliver the notice of text" over Yan sets up an industry to say
Eastern pure saints all imperial palace
The "you say what? does the row gram send army? have ever sent a person to once confirm?" over Yan in good health urgently asks a way
"Father's adult, we receive the repay of brother-in-law their official documents and the scouts at the same time, news should right is" over the Yan show say
Finish Yan in good health at this time station to start to come to pace to and fro on the big palace and seem to want to find out the row gram motive for sending army.
The "show son, if you are the king of row gram, that you will for the sake of what send army east pure?" over Yan in good health finishes towarding a Yan show to ask
Finishes seeing the Yan show wrinkly the eyebrows consider, then immediately after say:"Return to father king, the daughter really cans not figures out to a row gram to send army what reason, in regard to military, the our east pure troops is 2 times that of row gram above and more don't say the margin of spare troops.
Row gram the only advantage in addition to the weapon equips more excellent than us, have no similar win ours, if is that our east is pure first and starts revolt also even if, now but is that the row gram take the offensive us, I completely guess way not row gram's granting force the king be exactly just thinking what"
"H'm …… . the viewpoint of the show son and the viewpoint of the father king agree without previous consultation, the row gram really has no any can send army of reason, unless …… ." over the Yan in good health wanted to say for a while
The "invite father clearly show king, the daughter listens respectfully" over Yan show hard asks a way
"Ha ha  ̄ show the son don't be anxious, the father king guesses, row gram's granting force the king may want to guard by offending generation and draw together a popular support at the same time" over the Yan in good health say
The "why does the king of the father have this to say?" over Yan show doesn't understand of ask a way
The "show son, you should know the former incumbent row gram business that the thin Er king spreads?" over Yan in good health finishes towarding a Yan show to ask a way
The "know, however this sends army with row gram of does have a connection?" over Yan shows to finish towarding Yan in good health to ask a way by the tone inquiring
"Because grant the king of force connects hurriedly and make row gram local unsteady, in order to unify and pacify a popular support, outward the war is demand of, however while doing not choose, row gram can send army to strike against us, only then the war can lead the people's attention to all open, like this just can't make the observant and conscientious person take advantage of an opportunity to do in disorder.
Come again, several before the month, row gram with we a post-war loss miserably heavy, although we also very not arrive where go to, still not go to the Wu falter our foundation of a nations, however to row gram but serious injury, row gram afraid we take advantage o their domestic empty strike against them, so start first to say for being strong, disrupting our to make all arrangements" finishing Yan in good health explaining of
The "since it is so, that father's adult wants don't the opportunity to take advantage of this give° the row gram to carry?" over Yan show immediately after asks a way
The shoulder language that finished Yan in good health to clap to finish clapping a Yan show at this time the center of gravity is long of say:"Daughter ah, if we send army, your brother-in-law will take advantage of an opportunity to strike against saints all, that we will become prisoner, homology of, the row gram can't beats your brother-in-law, either, because they the lips Chi mutually depend on, all because of existing the other party just"
The "father's adult, doesn't the daughter understand?" over Yan show doesn't understand of ask a way
"If the row gram dozen descends your brother-in-law, that will divide a soldier to garrison four Wei cities, if each city don't have more than 20,000 garrison forceses, that also hasn't live, the row gram light is all also had no dint aggression saints by the troops leaving and loses these four cities to us influence also not big, because we don't depend on four Wei cities of give keep.
If your brother-in-law beats following gram of similar will meet a same problem, because your brother-in-law also fears that I take advantage o they took the offensive four Wei cities to lift their old bottoms while sending army and understood like this?"The over Yan in good health says
Finishes seeing a Yan show consumedly breathe heavily at a stretch say:"What father king says is all what child has never thought, so we should with constant should ten thousand change Related articles:

